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Price: $5.99

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (10 votes)

Released: 2012-01-30


Rethinking Life on the Appalachian Trail: The 2008 Thru-hike of “Rethinker” by Gary Bond


This is a book about “the stuff dreams are made of” – and what it takes to turn dreams into reality.
Many dream of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. Gary Bond was one whose dream lay just beneath the surface for over 30 years. After a period of rethinking life's course, he would finally trade the dream for a quest.
Taking the trailname “Rethinker,” Gary began following white blazes north from Springer Mountain, GA in March, 2008. His often solitary hike would provide much time to continue rethinking life, and “partners” of the trail would further fuel those thoughts.
While vividly portraying the wonder of the Appalachian Trail and the thru-hike experience, Gary also examines the deeper meaning to this and the Larger Trail. In addition, many useful tips are given throughout the book to aid thru-hiker-wannabes.
You will walk along with Rethinker as he gains his “trail-legs” in the mountains of Georgia and North Carolina. Trek the damp, dismal beginnings of the Smokies and learn what early lessons were taught.
Find out how quickly things can change on the trail, how Nature can turn from foe to friend, and how despair can suddenly be surprised by joy on a silent ridgeline.
Confront fear as peaceful sleep is invaded by a frightful nighttime visitor in Tennessee. Discover Virginia ramps and Virginia “blues,” and be taught the definition of “necessity” beneath the spreading limbs of a Virginia maple.
Fight the first stages of boredom through the long, green, critter-infested tunnels of southern PA. Be bored no more hopping the torturous rocks in northern PA.
Hear from mentors of times past whose words both haunt and encourage Rethinker along the way. See how lessons learned in childhood are applied to overcome obstacles and threats.
Endure the crucible of New Hampshire's White Mountains and be lifted up by their peaks and challenges. Observe confidence turn to humility by the magnitude of the quest. Listen for the message of the “Harbinger of Maine” and meet other Legends of the Trail.
Be amazed by “trail angels” and the kindness of strangers. Witness restoration beside a New England pond and marvel at the strange contrasting harmony of nature.
Slog through mucky bogs and ford swollen streams in Maine's 100-Mile Wilderness. Hike on that “diamond day” when life-long visions of a mystical fish camp are finally touched.
And finally, after five million steps and thousands of white blazes, experience the bittersweet moment of journey's end on the rocky peak of Katahdin. After all the rethinking of the journey and all the lessons learned, what would be the answer to life's “whys?” Would a key be found to unlock life's Great Mystery?

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Book Details

Author: Gary Bond Publisher: Gary Bond Binding: Kindle Edition Language: English Pages: 180

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