Price: $8.97 (as of 2012-10-06 21:05:15 PST) |
What Cats Should Eat: How to Keep Your Cat Healthy with Good Food by Jean Hofve DVMDescriptionYou love your cat. And, of course, you want to keep your cat healthy for as long as possible. The one thing you can do that will make the most difference in your cat's health is to feed a wholesome, high quality diet. But with hundreds of brands and flavors of cat food on the shelves of grocery and pet supply stores, and contradictory information all over the Internet, how do you know which food is right for your cat? Many serious feline health problems have a dietary component. Some are directly caused by diet, and all are affected by it. These medical problems can damage your cat's quality of life, as well as your wallet, since many of them, such as diabetes and kidney disease, are expensive to diagnose and to treat, and are very dangerous for your cat. 1 Learn how to read a cat food label. Find out which ingredients to look for, which ones to avoid, and how certain unappetizing animal 'parts' can be disguised in cat food.
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