Price: $17.81 (as of 2012-10-06 21:05:24 PST) |
Healthcare & Wellness Marketing: How To Get Your Clinic On The Map by Sherri BeauchampDescriptionWith the ever changing world of technology and online marketing, it's sometimes difficult to keep up as a clinic owners. As a clinic owner you have to consider video marketing, search engine optimization, online paid advertising, social media, websites, blogs, mobile marketing, and the list goes on… Where do you even start? How do you stay on top of all the changes? The purpose of this book is to give clinic owners, clinic marketers and healthcare professionals a place to start when it comes to bringing their off-line reputation, online. “Healthcare & Wellness Marketing: How To Get Your Clinic On The Map” is a guide to putting ideas and planning in motion to help you get in front of the people already looking for products and services you have to offer. Right now, and in the future… The book then takes you by the hand to provide you with strategies and techniques to consider when developing your clinic marketing plan into the next phase of your business looking at the trends and “new paradigm” of consumerism in the health and wellness arena. If you want to step outside of the typical marketing “box” and start to attract more of your ideal clients into your clinic, this is where you need to start. It's time you leveraged your expertise and experience to help you take your business to a whole new level… Whether you are currently very active in your marketing efforts or just starting out, this read will provide new insights into where you need to start and more importantly where you should be headed if you want to stay in the game. About Sherri Beauchamp: Sherri has an extensive background of over 12 years in the health and wellness area ranging from owning her own clinic, working in the alternative health field to marketing and business development on local and national levels for a private assessment clinics. Sherri has identified the need for clinics and health & wellness professionals to build their platforms online and share their off-line reputation as experts in the local area with the world (online). Her passion is spreading the health and healing expertise of practitioners with those who need it the most.
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