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Computers & Technology

Released: 2012-09-30


Seven Steps to Effective Online Teaching by Diane K. Kovacs


This book provides step-by-step guidance to designing online teaching and guidance using a formal instructional design process. Informed by research and learning theories and oriented specifically to online teaching and learning in a library context, the book will show readers how to: apply appropriate learning principles and theories in the instructional design process integrate information literacy skills into instructional sequences conduct a learner needs assessment undertake instructional design planning evaluate instructional tools evaluate units of instruction Each chapter addresses a specific instructional design step and case studies collected from working librarians and trainers illustrating actual and practical instructional strategies in the library context support each chapter's core topic.

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Book Details

Author: Diane K. Kovacs Publisher: Amer Library Assn Binding: Paperback Language: English Pages: 208

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