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Medical Books

Released: 2012-11-26


Fundamental Neuroscience, Fourth Edition (Squire,Fundamental Neuroscience)


The fourth edition of Fundamental Neuroscience reinvents itself as an engrossing and comprehensive presentation of the discipline of neuroscience, from molecules to cognition. Thorough but succinct, and lavishly illustrated, the book builds from an introductory section that includes fundamental neuroanatomy and goes on to cover cellular and molecular neuroscience, development, sensory systems, motor systems, regulatory systems, and behavioral and cognitive neuroscience. The book has been retooled to better serve its audience in the neuroscience and medical communities.

The chapters include more than 100 boxes describing clinical conditions, techniques, and other special topics. Each chapter went through a thorough review process, giving the book an evenness of tone. The chapters are authored by outstanding working scientists who are experts on the topics they cover.

  • 30% new material including new chapters on Dendritic Development and Spine Morphogenesis, Chemical Senses, Cerebellum, Eye Movements, Circadian Timing, Sleep and Dreaming, and Consciousness
  • Accompanying website for students and instructors at
  • Additional text boxes describing key experiments, disorders, methods, and concepts
  • More than 650 four-color illustrations, micrographs, and neuroimages
  • Multiple model system coverage beyond rats, mice, and monkeys
  • Extensively expanded index for easier referencing

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Book Details

Publisher: Academic Press Binding: Hardcover Language: English Pages: 1152

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