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Medical Books

Released: 2012-10-08


Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques by Carolyn Kisner


Thoroughly revised and updated throughout, Kisner Colby s 6th Edition offers the most up-to-date exercise guidelines for individualizing interventions for those with movement disorders. Now with contributions from the leading experts in the field, it encompasses all of the principles of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy, including spinal surgery and spinal manipulation. This renowned manual remains the authoritative source for exercise instruction for the therapist and for patient self-management. Plus, you ll have access to Kisner and Colby's Therapeutic Exercise Video Library online at DavisPlus, featuring over 30 NEW full-color video clips 94 in all demonstrating basic therapeutic exercises and techniques.

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Book Details

Author: Carolyn Kisner Publisher: F.A. Davis Company Binding: Hardcover Language: English Pages: 1056

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