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(as of 2012-10-07 01:12:52 PST)


Rating: 4.2 / 5.0 (4 votes)

Released: 1919-01-01


Woodcraft by E. H. (Elmer Harry) Kreps


Woodcraft (109 pages, copyright 1919, public domain) was written by Elmer Harry Kreps (1880-1957), an experienced woodsman from Pennsylvania and New York state. Kreps gives detailed instructions on every aspect of surviving comfortably in the wilderness, including how to build a log cabin, stove, accessories and cabin furniture; what kind and how much food to take along; how to start a fire and build it properly for cooking or warmth; how to make a rabbit skin blanket that will keep you warm in -40 degree weather; the best ax for a woodsman and how to use it; different styles of snowshoes, how to make them and how to use them; finding your way in the woods by using the sun, stars, compass or watch; and how to pack all your gear properly on a horse or mule, plus much more.

This digital reproduction contains all of the text of the original book, including the 33 illustrations drawn by the author.

NOTE: This eBook, along thousands of other public domain books, is available for free download at Project Gutenberg (, and the scanned image of the original work may be viewed at Internet Archive ( It is being offered here by the individual who transcribed the original work as a Project Gutenberg volunteer, at the lowest price allowed.

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Book Details

Author: E. H. (Elmer Harry.. Publisher: Peltries Publishin.. Binding: Kindle Edition Language: English Pages: 128

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